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A member registered Jan 30, 2020

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What a legendary game! I was so angry at my opponent for cheating and starting earlier than our protagonist, and that twist at the end done it for me, 5 stars from me!

omg thats was such an amazing game, too sad we can't play it anymore :( Is there any information on when will inishie dungeon will be ported on other engine?

(1 edit)

No, add more - gunpowder, you will throw it and then after a couple of seconds it will explode with fire, then gun- attack basically like a spear but bigger range,bullet model and faster firerate which you can make with gunpowder and iron, then glass + wood will give you spyglass- attack similar with fire element but slightly stronger and bigger, then when you combine pistol and spyglass you will get rifle which will shoot a fast,small bullet which will deal good damage and has a good range, also with gunpowder you can make explosives - combine gunpowder and bottle with fire, you can throw it and it will explode and erupt 3 waves of fire around it. Aslo maybe a galaxy sword which will look like lightsaber you can make it by combining plasma and sword.

Also sorry if i have some mistakes im russian and still learning english

add a rifle please

nice game and good puzzles, would like to see more levels.

Hey i think i know the password, just type weemble and it will open some sort of a... Game?